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Tree Services

Why choose Provision Arbor Care?

We recognize that there are a number of available companies out there for you to partner with. We appreciate your consideration and would like to tell you about a few things that differentiate us from other companies. Our team seeks to provide excellent service in every facet of our job…

  • Every production team we send will have an ISA Certified Arborist as a member. Training and education are important to us. We want to make sure that we are up to date on all of the latest science, best practices, and treatment options available in caring for your trees!

  • We recognize the incredible value of your trees! Our approach in tree care is understanding the needs and desires of your family, trees, and property and then recommending a service that prioritizes those needs. Trees are an amazing asset for your family and property and we want to help you get the most from them.

  • We view our relationship as a partnership and want to assist you in maintaining and beautifying your outdoor spaces in any way that we can. If you have a need that we cannot provide (outside of tree care), we can refer you to one of the several companies we have relationships with. Examples: Carpentry, Fences, Decks, Hardscaping, Landscaping, Lawn Care, etc.


927 E Terra Ln
O’Fallon, MO 63366


(636) 626-0200